Sandtray: A Dynamic Time for Littles – Live Webinar
Are you a play therapist often repeating the classic lines, “Sand stays in the sand tray,” “Sand is not for eating,” or “Sand is not for sprinkling in my hair”? If this sounds familiar, you are likely working with young clients ages 0-5 in the playroom. This workshop is for play therapists working with early childhood clients that are ready to enhance their Sandtray skills and increase engagement with caregivers in the play therapy process.
- Participants of this workshop will examine the advantages of incorporating Sandtray therapy in their work as a play therapist while demonstrating new insights into playroom configurations with the sand tray and various techniques and considerations specific to utilizing Sandtray methods effectively with young children.
- Participants in this workshop will examine effective strategies for engaging early childhood clients in play therapy, including limit setting, positive choices, redirecting and assertive communication while including caregivers actively in the therapeutic journey to emphasize the importance of fostering supportive caregiving practices.
- Participants of this workshop will examine cultural sensitivities and demonstrate play therapy strategies to respectfully incorporate and honor diverse cultural expressions within Sandtray therapy.
Instructor: Mackenzie Fischer, LCSW, RPT™
Workshop Schedule:
9:00-10:30 Sign-In, Play Check-In and Training
10:30-10:45 Afternoon Break
10:45-12:15 Training Continues with Workshop Conclusion
Live Webinar Policy:
For a successful Live Webinar that ensures full CE credit, you will need:
- A device (computer or tablet preferred) with a working camera and microphone.
- A strong and reliable internet connection.
- A designated safe space of your choosing free from disruption.
- A reliable childcare plan (if applicable).
- A commitment to keep your webcam on the entire workshop.
- The workshop supplies nearby that have either been requested in the workshop email or provided in the supply shipment (if applicable).
Workshop Cancellation:
- Cancellation requests should be submitted by email to [email protected] no later than 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date in order to receive a full refund of the paid workshop fee. Cancellation and/or rescheduled requests that are submitted after 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date will result in a refund of the paid workshop fee – with the exception of a $25 administrative fee for a half-day workshop, a $50 administrative fee for a full-day workshop a $75 administrative fee for 2-day workshop.
- Heartland Play reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient enrollment. Heartland Play will email workshop students at least 5 calendar days in advance of the scheduled workshop date to notify students of the cancellation. Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for a future course date or to receive a full refund of paid workshop fees.
- Heartland Play reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to inclement weather, instructor illness or instructor family emergency. If a workshop is canceled, students will be notified via e-mail prior to the workshop start time. Heartland Play will notify the students of a reschedule date for the workshop within 10 calendar days of the cancelled workshop. Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for the future course date or to receive a full refund of the paid workshop fee.