Sunshine Circles®: Theraplay Groups for the Classroom – Kansas City

Sunshine Circles®: Theraplay Groups for the Classroom
Monday, December 6th & Tuesday, December 7th, 2021
Heartland Play Therapy Office
6701 W. 64th St., Suite 110
Overland Park, KS 66202
8:30am-4:30pm –  both days
APT Approved Provider 15-424
NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider #6774
18 spots available
Cost: $450


This 2-day workshop is designed for teachers and the professionals who support them—social workers, school counselors, contracted school therapists, school psychologists and early childhood specialists. Sunshine Circles ® are adult-directed and structured, but rather than talking, the instructor leads playful, cooperative and nurturing play therapy activities with children. Sunshine Circles incorporates play therapy and are 99% interactive and create an atmosphere of fun, caring, acceptance and encouragement that leads to better social, emotional and even cognitive development for children. Children generally embrace the three rules of Sunshine Circles… No Hurts, Stick Together and Have Fun!… and carry them with them throughout the day. Sunshine Circles can very quickly and dramatically improve the quality of the classroom and provide teachers with resources to maintain an emotionally positive and cognitively enriched environment. This play therapy workshop is designed for participants to introduce this amazing, evidence based, social-emotional development group to your school and students.


  1. Participants of this workshop will describe the four dimensions of Theraplay, a modality of play therapy.
  2. Participants of this workshop will apply Theraplay principles to group treatment in the school setting.
  3. Participants of this workshop will develop skills in using the group rules and group techniques in a school setting through a play therapy lens.
  4. Participants of this workshop will demonstrate how to adapt the use of group Theraplay with various populations.
  5. Participants of this workshop will describe how nurturing and regulating physical connection can assist a child to feel calm and more organized in a group setting.
  6. Participants of this workshop will describe three techniques for managing resistance and problem situations in groups.
  7. Participants of this workshop will list a variety of material and activities that are appropriate for the group Theraplay, a modality of play therapy.
  8. Participants of this workshop will list three strategies for incorporating Theraplay in daily interactions with children in the classroom.

Instructor: Sam Bunnyfield, LCSW, RPT

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1:

8:30-10:00 Sign​-I​n, Play Check​-​In, and ​Training​ Begins​
10:00-10:1​5​ Morning Break
10:1​5​-12:00 Training Continues
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:30 Training Continues
2:30-2:4​5​ Afternoon Break
2:4​5​-4:​30​ Training Continues and​ End of Day 1​

Day 2:

8:30-10:00 Sign​-I​n, Play Check​-​In, and ​Training​ Begins​
10:00-10:1​5​ Morning Break
10:1​5​-12:00 Training Continues
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:30 Training Continues
2:30-2:4​5​ Afternoon Break
2:4​5​-4:​30​ Training Continues,​ Wrap up and Evaluations

**Workshop schedule subject to change based on needs of class.

December 6, 2021 8:30 am
December 7, 2021 4:30 pm
6701 W. 64th St., Suite 110, Overland Park, KS 66202   View map

Workshop Withdrawal: 

  • Withdrawal requests should be submitted by email to no later than 30 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date in order to receive a full refund of the paid workshop fee. Should the student submit a withdrawal request after 30 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date, that student will not be refunded.

Workshop Cancellation:

  • Heartland Play reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient enrollment.  Heartland Play will email workshop students at least 5 calendar days in advance of the scheduled workshop date to notify students of the cancellation.  Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for a future course date or to receive a full refund of paid workshop fees.
  • Heartland Play reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to inclement weather, instructor illness or instructor family emergency.  If a workshop is canceled, students will be notified via e-mail prior to the workshop start time.  Heartland Play will notify the students of a reschedule date for the workshop within 10 calendar days of the cancelled workshop.  Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for the future course date or to receive a full refund of the paid workshop fee.
Sunshine Circles

This course is available in Overland Park, KS

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