Cancellation/Reschedule Fee – $25

Workshop Withdrawal: 

  • Withdrawal requests should be submitted by email to no later than 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date in order to receive a full refund of the paid workshop fee. Withdrawal requests that are submitted after 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date will result in a refund of the paid workshop fee – with the exception of a $50 administrative fee for a 2-day workshops and a $25 administrative fee for 1-day  workshops.
  • If a student does not attend a workshop and does not submit a withdrawal request as outlined in the previous sections by the time the workshop is concluded, within 5 business days Heartland Play will issue a refund of the paid workshop fee – with the exception of a $100 administrative fee for 2-day workshops and a $50 administrative fee for 1-day workshops.

Workshop Cancellation:

  • Heartland Play reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient enrollment.  Heartland Play will email workshop students at least 5 calendar days in advance of the scheduled workshop date to notify students of the cancellation.  Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for a future course date or to receive a full refund of paid workshop fees.
  • Heartland Play reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to inclement weather, instructor illness or instructor family emergency.  If a workshop is canceled, students will be notified via e-mail prior to the workshop start time.  Heartland Play will notify the students of a reschedule date for the workshop within 5 calendar days of the cancelled workshop.  Notice will be provided with the option to reschedule for the future course date or to receive a full refund of the paid workshop fee.


Seats Available

Withdrawal requests should be submitted no later than 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop date.

Please contact Lori at [email protected] or (913) 735-0396 with any questions or concerns about your account.

© Copyright Heartland Play Therapy Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved